Management Training courses in YORK

for management training courses in york contact us
- Management Training and Team Building in York.

Why management training with Summit?

Summit management training in York and unconscious bias training courses in York include time-tested, proven and practical skills which you can use immediately.

For new managers the People Management Essentials course provides a starter Toolkit. For established managers the Emotional Intelligence for Managers training course delivers amazing value. Our Appraisal Skills Training course provides you with a time-tested toolkit for delivering best practice appraisals. The Unconscious Bias training course is an immersive exploration of the subject and our #1 rated training course for managers.

Whether your managers are established or new, each Summit programme is designed to deliver real value for your organisation and its people.

Team building events in York include the Team Performance Optimiser and Win Together, Lose Together.

Your training course will be facilitated by a subject expert with extensive experience. Meet the Summit team.

- Management Training and Team Building in York.

Management Training Venues in York

Summit management training and Emotional Intelligence training and Leadership Development training courses are designed to match your learning priorities.

Summit is happy to deliver your management training course at your own offices. However we understand that sometimes you like to go somewhere off-site, so we have teamed up with the Park Inn hotel to hold management training events in York.

York is our chosen venue in North Yorkshire, and covers Wetherby, Ripon and Selby.

Park Inn Hotel York
North Street

it all starts with a chat.

When will be good for you?